Why Everviolet is Making Masks

If anyone would have told me at the beginning of 2020 that I would soon be adding face masks to our lingerie and loungewear collection, I would have laughed out loud. But as we all have learned, life changes on a dime, and the best thing we can do is be limber to change.

As soon as Shelter-in-Place started in mid-March in Northern California, our whole team immediately empathized with the compounded fear that patients and their caregivers were likely experiencing in the face of a global pandemic. Navigating cancer or other health-related challenges is difficult on a normal day, much less during a time when we’re afraid to breathe, touch surfaces, encounter strangers or leave our homes. Add to that the reality of being immunocompromised, at greater risk of contracting COVID-19. I could only imagine the intense anxiety so many were facing.

That is why we increased efforts to offer emotional and psychological support to our medical partners and nonprofits, providing content for them to share with their patients and communities. But as debates around mask-wearing ensued, and it became clear that doing so is one of the most impactful ways of taking care of both ourselves and each other during this vulnerable time, we knew we wanted to do more.

Earlier in the summer, I would take to hiking trails for exercise and mental clearing, only to find myself frightened when runners or cyclists would pass me by, breathing heavy and sweating within 6 feet of my body, without a mask. But as mandates for mask-wearing have become required, the opposite has occurred. Now, on the beautiful hills of Mount Tamalpais in Marin County, it is commonplace to, when approaching others, gently cover our faces until we pass each other. There literally hasn’t been one person over the last two months who hasn’t done this on my daily walks. This simple gesture is more than just following rules, it is a profound statement of respect, and the deep care that we have within our community.

Everviolet is dedicated to nurturing women through times of change, and there has never been a time so fraught with change as now. Our Alyx face mask (named for the goddess of protection) embodies our commitment to creating garments that are comfortable, sustainable and beautiful. It is made with 100% organic cotton that is naturally breathable and antimicrobial, has an internal filter for added safety and features elegant colors and brand embellishments. We are honored to be able to share this product with our community and their loved ones, and we are proud to stand up for the importance of mask-wearing during this critical moment in history.

Written by: Keira Kotler, Everviolet CEO & Founder